How to Totally Spoil Your Husband on His Birthday

Are you looking for great ways to celebrate your husband’s birthday? Are you at a loss for how to make him feel special and have an awesome day? Here are some great ideas to totally spoil your husband on his birthday!! 

how to spoil your husband on his birthday

This year my super hubby celebrated the big 4-0! I wanted to do something special for him, to make it memorable and really celebrate him!

He’s not one for big parties or gatherings, if he was I would have planned a huge surprise party! His birthday also fell during our vacation to Lake Erie. So I decided to get creative and make plans to celebrate his big birthday in a big way!

There are a lot of ways to spoil your husband on his birthday, and with a little creativity you can celebrate the man you love, make him feel special, and have a blast together!


#1- Cross Something off His Bucket List-

Does your husband dream of skydiving? Maybe he wants to take a hot air balloon ride or drive a race car? I know a lot of bucket list dreams are big expensive things but is there one on his list that is doable for his birthday?

Part of Scott’s birthday celebration this year included crossing a really fun item off his list, ziplining! He’s not a huge fan of heights so it pushed him out of his comfort zone just enough for a great adrenaline rush and a really fun time!  Our two oldest got in on the action too so it was a great family day out to have a ton of fun and celebrate together!

We are lucky to have an amazing ziplining place near where we vacation – Common Ground Canopy Tours -With 7 zip lines, over 2500 feet of “zipping” and awesome knowledgeable guides I can’t recommend it more! If you’re in the area, or can travel to it, Common Ground is well worth the trip! The grounds are beautiful and peaceful, take a picnic and enjoy some extra time there after your zip lining tour! They also offer group rates, team building activities and so much more! (they take pictures for you too so you can have awesome action shots of your whole family!)


#2- Buy Him Something He Really Wants (that he’d never buy for himself)-

Presents are an obvious way to spoil someone you love right? But if your hubs is anything like mine then he’s hard to buy for! My husband is a car guy so his list usually consists of tools or car parts that I have no idea exactly what he wants. Often I just say, “buy yourself that (fill in the blank with a car part) for your birthday.” ( or Christmas, Father’s Day, etc.)  Or for things like anniversaries or Christmas we buy ourselves something practical like a new mattress or refrigerator (things get sexy like that when you’ve been married 20 years) But when it comes to wanting to spoil your husband on his birthday you might think about  things he’s mentioned that he wouldn’t buy for himself.

For example, my hubby loves to star gaze and had mentioned seeing a really nice telescope on LetGo one day. I remembered that and BOOM! I knew what he would love to get as a gift.


Think about hobbies he has or things he’s casually mentioned that you know he’d love! Buy something that you’re excited to give him cause you know he’ll be like a kid at Christmas!


# 3- Have an Extra Special Date Night-

I love taking dates with my hubby, but most of the time we head to a local Mexican restaurant and a movie or get dinner with friends. We’re casual people so we tend to hit casual dining places where we’ve been a million times before.

Since Scott’s birthday fell while we were on vacation this year I decided to find a place in Sandusky that would feel extra special to celebrate his 40th trip around the sun.

We headed to ZINC Brasserie, a beautiful restaurant on the Sandusky waterfront that offers French-inspired cuisine that is to die for! It’s not super fancy but is a great restaurant for a special occasion! Everything from the atmosphere to the amazing wine list, to the food that is elevated and delicious, It was the perfect place for an intimate dinner celebration!

how to spoil your husband on his birthday

If your husband has a favorite restaurant, or if there is that place you’ve been wanting to try but haven’t yet, then make that your destination! Having a great dining experience, spending time just the two of you in a relaxing, beautiful atmosphere, is a great way to spoil your husband on his birthday!


#4- Plan a Party-

Just because my husband isn’t a party person doesn’t mean yours wouldn’t love a surprise party! Get some friends together for pizza and beer to celebrate your man. Have everyone meet at a restaurant or bar so you don’t have to deal with the cleanup. Or plan a huge blowout and celebrate all night long! You know your husband best so you know what kind of party he’d like! Maybe he would love a small game night with friends, or he’s someone who would invite everyone he knows, whatever he’d love the most plan it for him!

Enlist the help of friend if you’re super busy, or have it catered, make sure you’re not stressed so that you can enjoy it alongside your hubby!


#5- Take Him to an Event-

Is your husband a sports fan? Maybe he has a band he loves, or there is a show he’s been wanting to see. Tickets to an event he’ll love are a great present! They combine a gift, a date night, and a celebration all in one!

Maybe the event is a couple of weeks or months away? Get creative with the gifting to make it extra special, wrap them in a jersey or band t-shirt for him to have along with them! Make sure to celebrate when you attend the event too! Stop for dinner, sing happy birthday again! There are no rules, it’s a celebration of him and it can continue long after his actual birth date!


When you have a husband who works long hours, puts so much time into your family, and who you love with all your heart, there is nothing better than taking a special day each year to make him feel awesome! It doesn’t have to be anything huge or expensive, just something you know he’ll love that shows him how thankful you are that he was born!

How do you spoil your husband on his birthday? What would he love most this year?


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  1. this is very beautifull, it actually gives me a task to rethink on what to do for him
    something great will come up

  2. I can say that what a great information you shared with us to increase our mutual love as a couple. I am engaged with my husband since 10 years but never utilized most of the ways for his birthday, you shared in this post. The valentine day is coming which is my husband’s birthday. I would follow this post to do something extraordinary and spoiling. cheers
    I can surely use your provided ways to make my life more pleasant with my husband. Thanks

  3. I completely failed as a wife for my husband’s birthday this year! Thanks for the tips. Here is to making his next birthday an extra special one.

  4. This year, Lord willing, I’m planning a spa day for him filled with complete relaxation free of stress!!! Massages, pedicure, manicure, facial, the works

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