
Easy Pineapple Agua Fresca (Pineapple Water)

Pineapple Agua Fresca is the ultimate thirst-quencher after a long day. Juicy pineapple is blended with a touch of sugar and water to create a light, sweet drink that’s perfect year-round. It’s quick, easy, and delicious!

This pineapple water is one of my ways to enjoy fresh pineapple especially during the warm summer months. It is refreshing, hydrating and delicious! This easy agua de piña is perfect to have in a pitcher by the pool or sip on with your favorite brunch food. This is a great non-alcoholic summertime drink option that is perfect for enjoy at the beach or bbq.

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What is agua fresca?

Agua fresca, translating to “fresh water” in Spanish, is a traditional Mexican beverage made by blending water with fruits, seeds, flowers, or grains. The mixture is usually sweetened with sugar and sometimes enhanced with a splash of lime juice. Served chilled, agua fresca is a refreshing drink, perfect for hot days.

It can be made with a lot of different fruits like watermelon or cantaloupe but this pineapple flavor is my favorite.

How to pick the perfect ripe pineapple-

To select a ripe pineapple, look for one with a vibrant yellow color at the base, though some varieties remain green when ripe. It should have a sweet smell at the base and give slightly under gentle pressure without being mushy. The leaves should be green and fresh-looking; if an inner leaf pulls out with slight resistance, it’s a good sign. Lastly, a ripe pineapple should feel heavy for its size, indicating juiciness. Use these tips to ensure you buy a pineapple that is perfectly ripe and delicious for your recipes.

How to cut a pineapple for pineapple water-

Cutting a pineapple into chunks is straightforward. Start by cutting off the top and bottom, creating flat surfaces. Stand the pineapple upright and slice off the skin, cutting downward in strips. Remove any remaining “eyes” with a paring knife. Cut the pineapple in half lengthwise, then cut each half again to make quarters. Remove the tough core from each quarter by slicing it off lengthwise. Finally, cut the pineapple quarters into bite-sized chunks. This method ensures you get the most fruit with minimal waste.

Can I use canned pineapple?

This recipe is best made with fresh ripe pineapple or frozen pineapple but it can be made with canned in a pinch. Canned pineapple tends to have a weaker flavor so it is a good idea to use the pineapple juice in place of the water for more flavor.

Can I make pineapple agua fresca without sweetener?

Yes, pineapple agua fresca can be made without sugar. The natural sweetness of the pineapple is often enough to sweeten the drink on its own. However if you prefer a sweeter drink you can use sugar or another sweetener. You could try agave nectar for lighter sweetness, honey if you prefer a natural sugar, or stevia or splenda for a low calorie option.

Can I strain my agua fresca de piña?

Yes! If you have a high powered blender like a Vitamix there should be no reason to have to strain your finished agua fresca. But if you don’t have a high speed blender you might be left with more pulp than you’d like. You can pour the finished product through a mesh sieve to strain the juice and remove the larger pineapple chunks or pulp to make a smoother drink.

Additions and variations for agua de piña-

This agua fresca recipe is perfect the way it is with simple and easy ingredients. But there are a few variations that we love. First is to swap out the regular water for coconut water to create a bit of a pina colada flavor for a delicious hot summer drink. We also like to add a squeeze of lime to the juice to add touch of tartness.

Ingredients for Pineapple Agua Fresca

  • Chopped Pineapple- For best results you’ll want to use fresh sweet pineapple chunks. I like to chop mine into small pieces so that it blends easily.
  • Water- This is the agua portion of this recipe, I like to make sure mine is nice and cold so that the final drink is well chilled. If you want more pineapple flavor you can swap out all or part of the water for pineapple juice
  • White Granulated Sugar – White sugar is used to sweeten this pineapple drink to perfection you can also use cane sugar or coconut sugar. If you prefer to use another sweetener you can. Stevia and agave nectar are both great options. You can adjust the amount of added sugar depending on how sweet and ripe the pineapple is.
  • Pineapple Wedges- These make a great garnish for your glass.

How to make Agua Fresca with Pineapple

Place the pineapple chunks, water and sugar in a powerful blender. If you want to add sugar gradually you can just add a little at first.

Blend on high for about 1 minute or until there are no more chunks of pineapple.

If more sugar is desired add it and blend again for about 30 seconds or until the sugar dissolves.

If there is too much fibrous pineapple pulp you can pour the juice through a fine mesh sieve to strain.

Pour the drink into a large pitcher and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Before serving stir the juice and then pour into glasses filled with ice. Garnish with pineapple wedges or lime wedges and a straw.

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Easy Pineapple Agua Fresca (Pineapple Water)

Pineapple Agua Fresca is the ultimate thirst-quencher after a long day. Juicy pineapple is blended with a touch of sugar and water to create a light, sweet drink that’s perfect year-round. It’s quick, easy, and delicious!
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Course: Drinks
Cuisine: Mexican
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4


  • 1 Blender High Powered


  • 2 Cups Chopped Pineapple
  • 1 Cup Water
  • 1/4 Cup White Granulated Sugar
  • Pineapple Wedges optional


  • Place the pineapple chunks, water and sugar in a powerful blender. If you want to add sugar gradually you can just add a little at first.
  • Blend on high for about 1 minute or until there are no more chunks of pineapple.
  • If more sugar is desired add it and blend again for about 30 seconds or until the sugar dissolves.
  • If there is too much fibrous pineapple pulp you can pour the juice through a fine mesh sieve to strain.
  • Pour the drink into a large pitcher and refrigerate until ready to serve.
  • Before serving stir the juice and then pour into glasses filled with ice. Garnish with pineapple wedges or lime wedges and a straw.

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