
Homemade Vanilla Coffee Creamer

Do you love coffee? This homemade vanilla coffee creamer is the perfect addition to your morning cup. With only 4 ingredients it is easy to make and all-natural.

Are you drinking coffee right now?

I am!! To be fair I pretty much always am. 

I love coffee like a Gilmore my friends, coffee, coffee, coffee. 

I swore when I was younger that I was not going to become a coffee addict. I would not need a cup of joe to get me going in the morning.

Than my middle kiddo was born…. And didn’t sleep through the night for 2 1/2 years. Coffee was a must!!

When I first started drinking it I liked “my sugar with coffee and cream” (points if you get the Beastie Boys reference) But these days I go with a little sugar and some 1/2 & 1/2, sometimes black, and if I want to treat myself I like flavored creamer. 

My hubby and teenagers are also huge fans of flavored creamer, just a splash makes your coffee so tasty…

But have you ever looked at the label?? YIKES!!


If you’ve been around my blog for a while you know I love Aldi and this is their creamer. They do a great job keeping a lot of artificial colors and preservatives out of their products, but even their creamer has ingredients I can’t pronounce!

I went on a search for homemade creamer that even my pickiest taste testers would like. I found a recipe that involved sweetened condensed milk, but it turned out to be yucky. So I came up with this!!

It is really very easy. It is basically a simple syrup, cream, and flavoring. I like to use half and half for mine but if you prefer milk in your coffee you could use milk. I’ve even made it with almond milk and it turned out well. If you like your coffee extra creamy you can also use heavy cream, the choice is yours.

You can use all organic ingredients too to make this an organic coffee creamer, which is hard to find in the grocery store.

Here’s what you need for this homemade vanilla coffee creamer

1/4 Cup Water

1/2 Cup Cane Sugar

1 1/4 Cup Half & Half

1 Tbsp. Vanilla

Something to mix it in- I use a mason jar

Mix your water and sugar in a pan over low/med heat until the sugar is dissolved. Once the sugar is fully dissolved remove the pan from the heat.

Now add your vanilla immediately and stir well. The sugar & water mixture is hot enough to evaporate the alcohol in the extract.

Let it cool off, either on the stove or in your jar.

After it’s cooled add in the half & half and give it a shake or stir.

  You’re done!! Add it your coffee and enjoy!!  

You can use another extract too- whatever flavor you love. We’ve used hazelnut and it is delicious. You can also add some cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice for delicious wintery flavors. Enjoy your coffee with creamer you can pronounce!!  

Homemade Vanilla Coffee Creamer

This homemade vanilla coffee creamer is delicious and with only 4 ingredients it is super simple to make.
4.45 from 285 votes
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Course: Drinks
Cuisine: American
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Additional Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 16
Author: Krista


  • 1/4 Cup Water 1/2 Cup Cane Sugar 1 1/4 Cup Half & Half 1 Tbsp. Vanilla


  • Dissolve sugar in water over medium heat.
  • Remove from heat and add in vanilla extract
  • Allow to cool completely.
  • Stir in 1/2 & 1/2.
  • Store in a jar or other airtight container.


A serving size is 2 Tbsp. but more or less can be used, nutrition facts should be adjusted as necessary.


Serving: 1g

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  1. What a fun, simple recipe — and as you say, all of the ingredients are pronounceable. We have lots of goat milk — I’m wondering if I can experiment with that. Thank you for sharing this, and for your unabashed delight of coffee.

    I’m a tea person myself, but coffee, tea, or cocoa, hot drinks are an opportunity to slow down, sip, and reflect on life.

  2. Got my husband to give up the “wussie creamer” by sweetening his coffee with brown sugar…and half and half

  3. LOL – I like that “wussie creamer”. The cane sugar I use in this is similar in taste to brown sugar, although now you have me wondering if brown sugar would be even better…

  4. Great alternative without all the crap! I didn’t get into coffee until a few years ago…and it wasn’t a tired issue. I will make a pot and put it in a pitcher in the fridge. I will take a tall cup and fill half with the chilled coffee half with skim milk and add stevia. Yum! Thanks for sharing this at my Pin Me Party!

  5. What a handy recipe! 🙂 My mother would LOVE this, I’ll have to pin it for her! As one of the co-hosts from the My Favorite Posts Weekend SHOW OFF Party! I wanted to personally thank you for linking up with us. Also, I’m hosting a Facebook like party on my blog where you can link up and increase your Facebook likes! I’d love it if you joined in too! It’s here: http://anyonitanibbles.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/skinny-apple-cherry-ombre-smoothie.html

  6. I love this! My husband likes flavored coffee creamer in his coffee, but I love the idea of making it myself for him. Think I am going to give this a try. Thanks for linking this up to Show Off Your Favorites Posts link up party on The Wondering Brain. Hope you will link up again this Fri 🙂 Now following you on Bloglovin’
    ~Jackie @ The Non-Martha Momma

  7. Its so much better when you can pronounce the ingredients 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, I’ll be sure to link again!

  8. Thank you for sharing! I like coffee with creamer, but since being pregnant, I can’t stand the SMELL of it! All of those artificial ingredients make me sick. I will definitely have to make this for us!

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