Homemade Panko Bread Crumbs

Panko bread crumbs add a delicious crunch to any recipe. They are great for topping casseroles, breading chicken, and so many other dishes. Homemade panko bread crumbs are super easy to make!

The perk of making panko at home is that you can have fresh crispy bread crumbs anytime! This recipe is also great if you have food restrictions because you can make gluten-free panko or even low carb Japanese breadcrumbs!

A wooden scooping Panko bread crumbs out of a glass bowl.
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Bread crumbs are a pantry staple in most households They are great for adding a crunchy coating to breaded food, like chicken or pork chops make a great binding agent for foods like meatballs or meat loaf, and a great topping for casseroles or mac and cheese. They are awesome on fried shrimp, chicken nuggets, or even mozzarella sticks!

I’ve often found myself needing bread crumbs for a recipe and realizing at the last minute that I don’t have any. That is where homemade breadcrumbs come in super handy! Making them yourself is also cheaper than buying them, and a great way to use up old bread to reduce food waste!

The word panko is Japanese for bread crumbs and genuine Japanese panko breadcrumbs are made using a unique process that involves an electrical current. Thankfully you can make your own homemade panko bread crumbs without knowing that method! In this recipe your light and airy bread Japanese-style bread crumbs are dried in the oven!

For this homemade panko recipe all you need is a loaf of white bread and seasonings! I like to use a food processor to make these coarse crumbs but you can also make them by hand or with a grater.

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a glass bowl full of homemade panko bread crumbs

What is the difference between panko and regular breadcrumbs?

Invented in Japan, panko bread crumbs have a light texture, and are larger and flakier than traditional bread crumbs. They absorb less oil and stay crisper so they are great for adding texture to dishes. They are made with bread that has had the crust removed so that their texture is more airy. Regular bread crumbs are made with all of the bread and ground to a finer crumb and have a more bread like consistency when fried. Traditional breadcrumbs can be made with white or whole wheat bread while panko is made with white bread.

Can I use a different kind of bread?

Genuine panko bread crumbs are made with Japanese sandwich bread so your homemade version will likely be a little different. To get as close to authentic as possible white bread is the best choice. However you can make these fresh bread crumbs with different types of bread and your result will still be panko-like. The key is cutting off the crusts and keeping the crumbs in large coarse flakes. If you are gluten free or keto you can use gluten-free bread or low carb bread to make these. You can also use whole wheat bread slices.

an overhead shot of a glass bowl full of homemade panko bread crumbs

How to store these homemade bread crumbs-

These are best stored in an airtight container in a cool dry place. You can put them in a resealable bag, a mason jar, or resealable container. This recipe makes about a cup of bread crumbs so you can always double it and use some and then store some for later use.

Can I season these panko crumbs?

Absolutely! Making your own panko bread crumbs is great because you have full control over their seasoning. I like to make Italian bread crumbs by adding in Italian seasoning and garlic powder. I also like to make them with simple salt and black pepper for a super versatile bread crumb. I often use a combination of onion powder and smoked paprika in my cooking so often I’ll make a batch of panko bread crumbs with that seasoning to have on hand!

Ingredients for Homemade Panko Bread Crumbs

The ingredients for homemade panko bread crumbs on a white marble counter top. Three pieces of white bread, salt, pepper, and spices.

2-3 slices of white bread

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp ground pepper

1/4 tsp dried herbs (optional)

Here’s how to make Panko Bread Crumbs

Preheat the oven to 300 and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.  

First you’ll need to cut the crusts off each slice of bread.

To make these with a food processor-

Break apart the slices of bread into large chunks and place in the bowl of a food processor.

Pulse the food processor until the bread is chopped into very small pieces. I pulse for about 5-10 seconds and after about 4 times they are the perfect size.

Add the salt, pepper and herbs in before the last pulse to blend them

A collage of four pictures showing how to make homemade panko bread crumbs. In the first picture chunks of bread have placed in the bowl of a food processor. In the second the bread has been processed into crumbs. In the third picture the crumbs have been spread across a parchment lined baking sheet and in the fourth they have been baked to a golden brown.

To make them by hand-

If you don’t have a food processor you can make these by hand. You’ll just need to rip apart the bread into tiny pieces and place it in a medium size bowl. Or you can grate the bread using a cheese grater.

Add in salt, pepper, and spices if desired and stir until they are sell blended.

Spread the crumbs in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet and bake for 4-5 minutes or until they are dry and crispy stirring half way through the cooking time. If you want toasted or crispier panko bread crumbs you can stir them and continue baking another 4-5 minutes until they are a golden brown.

Use immediately or let the crumbs cool completely before storing.  

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Homemade Panko Bread Crumbs

Panko bread crumbs add a delicious crunch to any recipe. They are great for topping casseroles, breading chicken, and so many other dishes. Homemade panko bread crumbs are super easy to make!
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Course: Food
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 1 Cup
Calories: 42kcal


  • 3 slices of white bread
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp ground pepper
  • 1/4 tsp dried herbs optional


  • Preheat the oven to 300 and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.  
  • First you’ll need to cut the crusts off each slice of bread.
  • To make these with a food processor-
  • Break apart the slices of bread into large chunks and place in the bowl of a food processor.
  • Pulse the food processor until the bread is chopped into very small pieces. I pulse for about 5-10 seconds and after about 4 times they are the perfect size.
  • Add the salt, pepper and herbs in before the last pulse to blend them
  • To make them by hand-
  • If you don’t have a food processor you can make these by hand. You’ll just need to rip apart the bread into tiny pieces and place it in a medium size bowl.
  • Add in salt, pepper, and spices if desired and stir until they are sell blended.
  • Spread the bread crumbs in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet and bake for 4-5 minutes or until crispy. If you want toasted panko bread crumbs you can stir them and continue baking until they are a golden brown.
  • Use immediately or allow to cool completely before storing.  


Serving: 1g | Calories: 42kcal | Carbohydrates: 8g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 1g | Sodium: 173mg | Sugar: 1g

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