
10 Delicious Rice Cake Toppings {To satisfy your sweet tooth}

Are you trying to eat a healthier diet but your sweet tooth is crying for something tasty? Check out these amazing rice cake toppings that are healthy, sweet, and super tasty!

Last January I did a detox. There were shakes involved, a cleanse, and a pretty restrictive diet… I even gave up coffee for 30 days!

It was a great way to reset, clean everything out, and become more mindful about how, and what I was eating.

I also discovered a love for rice cakes… weird I know. But these little salty kind of styrofoamy snacks are a great vehicle for all kinds of toppings, including ones that can satisfy a sweet tooth craving in a healthy way!

So I thought I would share some of my favorite topping combinations so if you are trying to lean toward a healthier way to satisfy cravings hopefully these can help!

Here are my 10 favorite rice cake toppings

rice cake toppings

1-Almond Butter & Blueberries- This is one of my favorites! I found it by accident and really loved it. Just smear on some almond butter, top with blue berries, and sprinkle with sea salt if you like a little salty with your sweet. Delish!

2- Pineapple Cream Cheese & Coconut– I love whipped cream cheese for this one, spread it on, top with some crushed pineapple, and a sprinkle of coconut (toast it for some extra flavor)

delicious rice cake toppings

3- Almond Butter, Chocolate Protein Powder, Raspberries– This one is ssssuuupppper tasty. I love the combination of chocolate and raspberries, so I decided to mix up some chocolate protein powder with almond butter to make a chocolate paste, then topped it with some fresh raspberries, YUM!!

4-Peanut Butter & Raisins- This one is a great combo, like pb&j! The combination of peanut butter and sweet raisins is super tasty!

5- Apples, Peanut Butter & a Sprinkle of Cinnamon- Apples and Peanut Butter are a favorite in my house, and they are a lovely combination with the crunch of a rice cake. Add a sprinkle of cinnamon for additional flavor!

sweet rice cake toppings

6- Cream Cheese, Pears & Honey- This one combines the sweetness of a juicy pear with creamy cream cheese! It is delicious! Cover your rice cake with cream cheese, some thinly sliced pears & a drizzle of honey. Yum!

7- Cream Cheese & Mixed Berries– Chop up strawberries, blueberries and raspberries and top a rice cake with a thick layer of cream cheese and your berry mixture, super tasty!

8- Bananas, Peanut Butter & Honey- A classic for sure, peanut butter and bananas are a delicious combination! Cut your bananas nice and thin so it’s easy to eat & add a light drizzle of honey!

9- Cream Cheese & Mandarin Oranges- Think creamsicle here, this is a delicious fresh and creamy combination that is delicious!

10- Strawberries & Cream Cheese- Strawberries and cream is delicious and this rice cake topping is no different! Top your rice cake with cream cheese and some thinly sliced strawberries, sooooo good!

healthy rice cake toppings

There you go! 10 delicious rice cake toppings that will satisfy your sweet tooth but not knock you off the wagon!!

What are your favorite rice cake toppings? I’d love to hear your ideas!

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One Comment

  1. All these look so delicious, thank you for sharing! My daughter keeps complaining that these things could taste a lot better than they do, I guess I’ll try some of these toppings to see what will fit her taste best. Because for now the only sweet thing she considers eatable is chocolate.

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