
Super Simple Corn Salad

Picnic and cookout season is upon us! This simple corn salad is so incredibly easy and is always a hit! Perfect for parties, barbeques or just a weeknight dinner!

How easy is this With only 4 ingredients this simple corn salad is so delicious and super quick! Great for picnics & cookouts!


I’ve been planning the teenagers graduation party for next month and have found myself going through some of my favorite recipes in search of delicious, easy food to serve a whole bunch of people. The funny thing about having a blog is that it becomes one of your best resources for your own recipes! They’re all here cataloged nicely to find things quickly and easily… seriously it’s way more organized than my cookbook shelf!

I came across this recipe and remembered how much my family loves it, how super easy it is, and what a great addition it is to summer cookouts and picnics. When everyone else shows up with pasta salad or potato salad this is a welcome, tasty dish!  This may become your go-to potluck and picnic dish!

I decided the old sad version of this post really deserved a makeover, it needed a picture fitting for the awesomeness of the recipe. I mean it really is easy, if you can chop a pepper and open a can you’re good to go!

So here it is making a glorious comeback for this weeks…

Way Back Wednesday Graphic

Ever need a side dish you can throw together in like 5 seconds, but that tastes like a million bucks?

Well here’s one for you! It’s great with any and everything off the grill, or with Mexican food, or really anything!

Here’s what you’ll need for this simple corn salad-

3 – Cans of corn- drained (or you can use fresh corn, this is a great way to use up leftover corn on the cob!)
1- Red Pepper
4-5-  Green onions
3/4 Cup Ranch Dressing
Finely chop your red pepper and  slice your green onions (the white part and 1/2 the green part)  and throw them in a bowl.
Now add your corn and dressing.
Give it a stir and your done!! Eat it up yum, yum, yum!!

See??? I wasn’t exaggerating the ease of this simple corn salad!

In 5 minutes you have a side dish that everyone will ask you for the recipe. (feel free to tell them it’s super complicated and takes forever to make *wink* I won’t tell!!)

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